If the house from the outside looks rustic and craftsman like, the inside so far is anything but... We've still a long ways to go, and with a very short time table to get there, are starting to stress out about finishing and moving in by the deadline the bank has set for us. Late last week, the house was primed and this past weekend the painting commenced. Starting first with the ceilings and all the rooms to be left white. The paint goes on a whole lot easier than that primer did, but it's still a two man job (at minimum) and very time consuming for first timers! The first two pictures below are of the living room.
Jeffrey and I went back and forth on whether this room was going to be
dark blue, or mossy green, but this cosmopolitan olive (or the closest that Sherwin Williams could match it) is the what we
finally came to agreeing on. So far I really like it, which is good. I don't think Jeffrey has any plans on repainting this one anytime soon!
The first room we actually painted was Charlotte's future bedroom. I figured that pink was the lightest of our colors (yes you read that right) and would be the easiest to fix any blunders, over-spray or other issues while figuring out how to spray it without messing up those pretty white ceilings.
We painted this room Saturday night after it got dark, using the shop lights, and it was a very pretty light pink. Somehow during the night, through the drying process the paint fairy must have stopped in and twinkled a little 'Pepto Bismal' coloring in the room! It was so bright yesterday it was almost too much to stand. Today on the other hand, with the daylight coming through the window, it was back to a very pretty, yet very pink - pink :) Azalea flower to be exact.

Josie's room was next in line, and since Jeffrey had to work Sunday afternoon, I took it upon myself to start her room on my own. After I did some ceiling touch up from the night before in Charlotte's room, I gathered my things to start in Josie's. Thankfully Tiffany stopped in for some much appreciated help and company! All the other rooms had been sprayed.... I wasn't about to even get near that sprayer! I used my cutting tool to do around the ceiling, and we rolled the color on the walls and brushed in the corners. I think we did an amazing job, and I LOVE this color!
By the way - Josie insisted her room was going to be blue. She wanted a very dark, very navy - almost metallic blue. She's crazy about blue! Her daddy and I thought this 'Jamaica Bay' was a good compromise. I hope she likes it. I want to bring her in this week sometime and video tape her reaction to it. I think it will be something we will always appreciate.
And I loved the color so much, I wanted it in my laundry room too! Such a bright and lively cheery color for the not so fun task of dirty clothes, lol!