Monday, September 24, 2012

Picture Updates

So it's been a while since I last posted. Little things continue to progress. The electric rough-in is still going on, the plumbing is still going on, but we still haven't seen anybody from the Geosolice show up yet. All the windows are in except for the basement (not sure why they're holding off there) and most of the siding is on, except for the front top. With that being said, here's the week in pictures.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Siding, Electrical and Plumbing

Just like Monday, it's been a very busy week.  The siding has come in, the plumbing is coming along, and so is the electrical.  The french doors have been delivered and the windows are on the way!  Things are really hopping this week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Manic Monday

After two weeks of what seemed to be no progress, today seemed like a Manic Monday.  The good news is that the plumbing rough in got started this morning, and here is the washing machine hook-up viewed from the back side.

And here is Josie, sweeping up the 'mess' as she refers to all the wood chips.

A view through the newly installed back door - and Jeffrey's already giving me a hard time because I'm already planning Christmas decorations for the glass ;)

Being Silly...
Even the electrical rough in got off to a good start this afternoon!  We finished getting all the boxes and main lines hooked up, and then moved upstairs to start pulling wire!  We got three circuits done before it got too dark to really work, but we'll be back at it again tomorrow afternoon!

Front Door Installation

This is why I love to go out there during lunch.  Of course I love to go out there anytime, but getting to see things happen just makes my heart flutter a little harder.
First thing that got me excited was seeing that 3 of the doors were on site!  This one below is the front door, and the garage door and kitchen back door are stacked behind it.
 Here are the series of action shots as the door was installed.
and a shot from the inside of the house 
and a shot from the porch!
All this equals one happy mama!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Many Thanks to Russell Askew and Brad Stallings for making this happen.  We were able to save quite a bit of money by doing all the trenching ourselves for Dominion to lay the power lines.  After the cables here are laid, another crew will come in later and replace this pole and place the transformer where it will ultimately be.

Only after about 10 minutes I would guess!  Things were going really smooth!

Craig shoveling around the first culvert.  We had to go under it with a piece of conduit.

Progress up to the big ditch was smooth, and then we had to figure out the best way to dig 30" below the bottom of the ditch.  Oh yeah, there was about 30" of water in the ditch too!
It was a little slower, but no issues, and the conduit went back in and the ditch was cleaned back up afterward. 
After the trench for Dominion was completed, Brad also trenched the water line, the geothermal waste line and a trench to run the electric cable to the well!  At the end of day I think we were all content with the amount of work that got done - and very little of it involved a shovel ;)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Electrical Rough in is started!

Electrical Boxes were put in...
Most of the recepticle boxes are installed...
same for the smoke detector boxes and ceiling fan boxes...
Still a lot of wire to pull...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Slow Go

It's been a week since my last post, and quite honestly, there isn't too much to report on.  Most of the soffit is now up and finished, but we are still waiting on doors and windows.  Siding hasn't arrived either, but it can't go on till the windows come in.  Nothing has happened in the plumbing line, and not much as far as electric either!  We do have a more detailed list of what we need to go get now.  So hopefully we can get to moving on that asap!  Dominion is supposed to come out tomorrow to flag where to trench and hopefully next week will be putting the cables in the ground.  The geothermal guy was supposed to come last week but never showed, and some of the plumbing rough will go in on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed this will be a more productive week!

Side note:  Jeffrey was able to spray the chemical for the termite treatment this past weekend, and we were able to get right much done on our retaining walls!